How to Choose the Right Therapist for You

Making the decision to start therapy is a big step forward for your mental wellness. The step after that, however, may feel so overwhelming that you get stuck—choosing the right therapist. It’s natural to feel anxious about wanting to “get it right” as well as...

Introducing: The Pincus Center

You could say that we have a passion for self-discovery here in our practice; it’s a marvelous thing every time we’re able to see a client understand themselves better and step more fully into the person they were meant to be. There’s nothing quite like the joy in...

When We Believe We Are Unloveable

Many of us walk through the world struggling with the belief that we are unloveable. Often it is hard to even figure out where this message comes from. It starts early when we are young and feel for whatever reason like we haven’t been accepted or loved by those...

I’m a Social Justice Healer not a Social Justice Warrior

We each have a part to play in trying to make our world a more just and equitable place to be. Not all of us can be social justice warriors. We may not have the skill or the energy to be out in the streets fighting. There are of course other things we can do to help...