Our Blog
Articles to help you find your way
We Are on the Side of Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People
Things have been pretty scary since inauguration day. Some of us expected this, some didn’t imagine this administration would be so aggressive. A lot of feelings and reactions and every single feeling and reaction is okay. But you may have heard, we need to preserve...
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Be kind to yourself and try to utilize positive self talk when the RSD enters the chat.
Being a Parent of a Trans Kid after the 2024 Election
The 2024 election results are frightening and stressful for everyone, but especially for transgender kids and their parents. If your child is gender diverse and you’re unsure how to protect them from our government, find out where to start.
The Transformative Power of Sexual Fantasies
approx. 6 minutes reading time Let me be honest– even as a sex educator, I never thought sexual fantasy would actually improve my sex life. But it has, and I want to share that vulnerable experience with you. My name is Cassidy and I am non-binary, on the asexual...
10 Radical Ways to Be a True Fat Ally
estimated reading time ~5 minutes Real talk: Our deeply fat-hating, fatphobic culture isn’t going to heal itself. And as valuable as the tireless work of fat activists is, it’s also not enough to create the inclusive, body-affirming world we dream of. We need...
An Open Letter to Darren Aronofsky About “The Whale”
Some time ago, we began to see posts going around on social media about your new film, The Whale, starring Brendan Fraser in what’s being hailed as his “comeback role” as Charlie, a 600 lb. recluse and food addict. Immediately, our hearts sank. We didn’t need more...
When the Holidays Are Hard: How to Care for Your Mental Health
approx. 8 minute reading time It’s hard enough to deal with the stress and overwhelm of the winter holiday season when you’re excited for it and ready to celebrate. When the holidays are a time of grief, depression, economic hardship, or just deep apathy, every day...
Keep Our Light Shining: Queer Community Self-Care in Violent Times
We’re not okay. At a time when our biggest worry should be how to manage or avoid holiday season stress, our queer community is under attack. The Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs just before Thanksgiving now seems like it may be joined by a domestic terrorist...
What Is Compersion in Polyamory—and Why Don’t I Have It?
approx. 9 minute reading time Taking your first steps into polyamory is a lot like being American and planning to move to the UK. Everything is just different enough to throw you off, and you quickly realize that even though everyone’s speaking English, you still have...
Why We Should Talk to Young People About Kink & BDSM
approx. 5 minutes reading time Did your heart just seize up a little reading that title? It’s not surprising—we live in a society where we’d rather give kids fear-based “abstinence only” propaganda than comprehensive sex ed, where queer people who professionally...