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Articles to help you find your way
9 Myths About Sex That Are Just Plain Wrong—and Harmful
approx. reading time: 10 minutes Imagine if you took a cooking class, but instead of learning to follow a recipe or how ingredients interact, you got a lot of lectures about the ways that different foods can be bad for you and how you should be fasting except when you...
RSVP Needed: Do You Have Responsive Desire?
Tell me if this sounds familiar: “It’s not that I don’t like sex, or don’t want to have it at all. It just takes me a while to get there.” We get sold a lot of lies about sexuality and how we “should” be sexual, and one of the more harmful ones is the idea that being...
How Do I Know If I’m Really Polyamorous?
approx. 10 minute reading time Becoming actively polyamorous, for many of us, isn’t a simple choice. If you’re involved with anyone, you have to make sure they’re a willing (and ideally eager) partner in this adventure. If you’re not, you might have to find new places...
First-Time Sex Shouldn’t Hurt. Let’s Stop Telling Young People It Will.
estimated reading time: 7 minutes It’s the trope of countless bodice-ripper romances, movies, and TV shows: the young, naïve flower of womanhood going trembling to her marriage bed or the backseat of a car, bracing herself for the searing pain of her brooding...
Grieving Roe: How to Care for Your Mental Health in Terrifying Times
It’s like waking up into a nightmare: You got your coffee, clicked through your notifications, and there it was: The Supreme Court’s theocratic wing overturned Roe v. Wade. Most of us have feared this possibility our entire lives, but that doesn’t mean you’re...
Understanding Your Neurodiverse Partner Part I
approx. 7 minute reading time You’ve met someone wonderful and fallen deeply in love. They’re smart, honest, passionate about their interests (on which they’re kind of an expert). They made you feel like the center of their world. They had some quirks, and it just...
Understanding Your Neurodiverse Partner Part II
approx. 10 minute reading time In Part I of this post, we talked about some common relationship problems when one partner is neurodiverse and one is neuroprevalent, and about understanding the ableism ingrained in our culture's ideas about love and romance as well as...
13 Reasons Why You Need a Dating Coach
5 minute reading time For many of us, our intimate romantic and/or sexual relationships are some of the most important in our lives. Many of us long to get married, to “nest” with one or more partners, or just to have someone(s) special who loves us wildly. And yet,...
You Don’t Owe Anyone an Orgasm (Even Yourself)
9 minute reading time Let’s be clear on one thing: Orgasms are great! This is in no way an anti-climax (ha see what I did there) post. But I AM going to offer the hot take that orgasms are not a requirement for great sex, and they’re not a measure of anyone’s sexual...
What Is Embodiment and Breathwork Coaching?
“Coaching” is one of those things that gets talked about a lot—but what exactly IS it? Unlike therapy, which has very clearly-defined modalities and approaches, coaching can be almost anything that the coach and client want it to be. Having that freedom to shape it to...