Things have been pretty scary since inauguration day. Some of us expected this, some didn’t imagine this administration would be so aggressive. A lot of feelings and reactions and every single feeling and reaction is okay. But you may have heard, we need to preserve our strength because we have a lot more to get through. So here we are, gathering resources for you because community sharing is a main component to getting through this.
Firstly, we want you to know you are not alone and we have trans and non-binary providers here to listen and support you. Be sure to check out Debo, Sara, Katie and Reese. If you need sliding scale, some providers have that option and a waiting list is starting for our intern. When it comes to seeking care here at The Pincus Center, we will never diagnose you with gender identity disorder, unless you explicitly ask because we don’t believe not being cisgender is a mental health issue. We keep our notes about gender sparse due to the new political climate so that your mental healthcare won’t out you as being trans or non-binary without your consent. Of course Hipaa privacy laws still apply but this is an extra layer of precaution.
If you are currently facing discrimination, please contact the ACLU and report your situation.
Advocates for Trans Equality fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America.
FUTR: Families United for Trans Health is dedicated to securing the rights of trans Americans by guiding support to both philanthropic efforts and political candidates who are doing the hard work of building a more equitable and inclusive future.
Garden of Peace centers the lives and voices of Black trans and queer individuals and families through art, leadership development and healing spaces.
Worldwide Queer-Owned Business Map and Online Community Hub
Trans Relocation Guide: Finding Trans Asylum and Safe Havens
Family support, community education and training in Virginia and online
He She Ze and We supports Transgender and Nonbinary people by empowering their families, communities and allies to create life-saving, inclusive environments
Bear Bergman offers advice to friends and family of Trans and Nonbinary folks
Trans Youth Emergency Project is available to help families navigate the new landscape by offering logistical and financial support.
Prepared Allyship: Supporting the Vulnerable in our Communities
Feb 12 – Supporting Our Immigrant Community: How to be a prepared ally during an ICE raid.
Feb 19 – Supporting Trans Kids: Legal changes in schools & strategies for administrators, teachers, parents, and allies.
Feb 26 – Supporting Trans Colleagues: Workplace protections & best practices for supporting trans professionals.
March 5 – Supporting Our Disability Community: Navigating shifting legal requirements in schools & workplaces.